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It is our goal to be able to offer the very best in goaltender development. It is not a secret, many areas in the US do not offer a knowledgable coach that can pin-point the areas each goaltender needs to improve on during their games. Each season, Coach Stanaway, selects (10) goaltenders to personally mentor, guide and develop to enhance their in-season development. Each goaltender receives personal feedback from Coach Stanaway via 1 on 1 zoom calls, player initiated phone calls /text messages, and family emails to help each navigate to ups and downs in their season.

“We think your mentorship program is great especially the zoom calls. (Our son) learned a lot from them!  His quiet personality kills me at times, but he takes everything in. We are really happy to be a part of your program and appreciate everything you offer.  We did a mentorship program last year. I sent videos of his goals over, and (the goalie coach) would break them down on things he should correct, but never a 1&1 zoom call.  I don’t think he got much out if it last year.”

Contact us today to learn how to apply for spring 2024:

Jim Stanaway
(906) 361-6052